Eid-ul-Adha Announcement

As per Umm Al-Qura Global Moonsighting Criterion, the Dhul Hijjah moon has been sighted in Saudi Arabia.
The first day of Dhul Hijjah 1445 (2024) will be on Friday June 7th, 2024.

Important Dates:
The Day of ARAFAH: Saturday, June 15th , 2024
EID-UL-ADHA: Sunday June 16th, 2024 (Dhul Hijjah 10)

ISGL EID-UL-ADHA Prayer timings for Sunday June 16th 2024:
6:30 AM - Khutbah by Brother Sulaiman Sangarie
7:30 AM - Khutbah by Brother Fouad Ammar
9:00 AM - Khutbah by Imam Umar Farooq Mahmood

Imam Consultations with Shaykh Umar Farooq Mahmood

If you require discussing any matter in private and confidentially with Imam Umar Farooq Mahmood, then you can reach out to him via email, or via online form or by calling him: Email: Weblink: Text or Call:  978-337-8229 All matters di Read more

ISGL Membership Online Form

Click Here for ISGL Membership The ISGL Board of Directors requests our community to become ISGL members or if they are already members, to renew their membership early. Please support ISGL at this critical time and become a new Member or renew your membership. It is important that If Read more

Purify your wealth

Zakat is an annual payment of alms based upon one’s wealth or possessions and is one of Islam’s obligations and one of its five main pillars. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: “Islam was built upon five pillars: to witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is Hi Read more